Sound + Consciousness

Laura Cohen, Joti Dee, and Colin Wang

For StoreFrontLab's Season 3: The Unknown, grant recipients Laura Cohen, Joti Dee, and Colin Wang have joined together to form a project series, entitled, Sound + Consciousness. Through experiences and objects, Sound + Consciousness probes the complex system of our consciousness and its relationship with sound. Immersive and interactive experiences offer small invitations for participants to explore the interplay between the two.

Sound + Consciousness launched its first iteration on March 4 with an evening of ambient music improvisations performed and broadcast live from within a human-sized chrysalis, the Soundscaped Cocoon.

Joti Dee sees the potential of 3D objects to express a point of view, viewing culture as a system of linguistic, visual, and behavioral codes that artists can use to re-imagine their shared objects and space. In the past through sculpture and now through immersive installations such as Sound + Consciousness, she seeks to carefully align concept with form.

Aver is a creative collective based in the San Francisco Bay Area producing work based on a mutual quest for personal discovery and outward connection. Participating in Sound + Consciousness are Laura Cohen and Colin Wang from Aver.

Laura Cohen incorporates chance operations into her artistic process. As a photographer, she travels internationally and domestically to capture happenstance happenings, utilizing double exposures based off happy accidents and incidental parings. Laura’s photos are taken with her mother's college camera, a Canon AE-1.

With an aim to explore the connection products form between designer and user,Colin Wang strives to eliminate the oversight of day-to-day life with an open mind and mindful living.